About | Meet the O2O Team - O2O
Aug,6, 01:00 pm
[Level 2] Online to Offline Organizing Training - English
Sep,17, 01:00 pm
[Level 1] Online to Offline Organizing Training
Dec,10, 01:00 pm
[Level 1] Online to Offline Organizing Training - English


Meet the O2O Team

Bianka Nora

Deputy Director

Bianka develops individualized curricula to help organizations meet their strategic goals. She has spent over a decade as an organizer in the South dedicated to fighting for economic justice and immigrant rights in the labor movement.

Some of her proudest organizing moments have been supporting retail associates striking for better wages and working conditions and fighting alongside farmworkers in North Carolina for stronger contracts. Bianka has been developing curriculum and building training programs for almost as long as she has been organizing.

Bianka is an organizing and leadership development trainer and coach with the Jobs with Justice national network.

Chloe Sigal

Senior Campaign Organizer

Chloe is a Philly-based trainer with the Online to Offline Strategy Group, with experience in immigration, labor, and electoral organizing.

Prior to joining the O2O team, Chloe was the lead organizer for the Congress of Day Laborers (Congreso de Jornaleros) at the New Orleans Workers’ Center for Racial Justice where she used popular education to develop campaigns targeting ICE, police, and others alongside Congreso’s membership base. Chloe has supported Amazon workers organizing to demand changes during the COVID19 pandemic and helped launch the Vote for Respect program at United for Respect, building a base of over 1000 volunteers to collectively reach millions of working-class voters during the 2020 electoral cycle. Chloe is also an interpreter/language justice worker, a member of the BanchaLenguas Language Justice Collective, and a member of Mijente.

Chloe believes that to be powerful, our movements must be welcoming, intersectional, strategic, and focused on building up new leaders. It brings her joy to work with other organizers to put those values into action through O2O organizing.

Katie Lyon-Hart

Data and Systems Manager

Katie supports O2O partners in developing and operationalizing their online-to-offline organizing plans. Katie brings over a decade of experience helping social justice organizations develop digital tools and strategy for grassroots organizing, fundraising, communications, program evaluation, and community planning.

Prior to joining the O2O team, Katie led data initiatives and communications for nine years at Make the Road New York and received her master’s degree in Urban Planning and Policy from the City University of New York.

Katie lives in New Orleans where she enjoys organizing tenants, swing dancing, biking, and kayaking the bayou.

Patricia Murphy

Partnership Coordinator

Patricia supports O2O partners in developing, implementing, and innovating their online-to-offline organizing plans and supports organizations and movements with trainings and facilitation. She is an experienced organizer building people-powered campaigns through innovative digital and fundraising tools.

Prior to joining the O2O team, Patricia led the national digital program at Movimiento Cosecha, and is deeply rooted in the fight for dignity and respect for immigrants and workers.

Patricia lives outside of Boston and is invested in storytelling, building with her community, baking, and gardening.

Giovanni Bravo Ruiz

Creative Digital Specialist

Giovanni supports O2O partners in creating creative digital assets & ads. Giovanni has over 15 years of graphic design experience & 4 years of experience working with social justice organizations’ digital infrastructure ranging from social media management to CRM best practices.

Prior to joining the O2O team, Giovanni worked as a digital strategist for the Florida Immigrant Coalition, a community organizer for Florida Rising, and a 6th grade Central Florida Public School Educator. He received a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Puerto Rico in Modern Languages & Literature.

Giovanni currently lives in Memphis where he’s mostly invested in playing video games, cooking & creating digital content.

Eric Schlein

Executive Director

Eric helps organizations leverage O2O to achieve their strategic vision and build cross-movement partnerships. Eric joined United for Respect (formerly OUR Walmart) as an online organizer in 2011 to connect and build a national distributive network of Walmart workers. By 2015, Eric had supported the network growth to 150,000 Walmart store employees.

Prior to UFR, Eric worked at UFCW Local 400 in the Washington D.C. area where he led NLRB union elections and supported contract campaigns.

His dog Otis and his Mom’s macaroni and cheese recipe are the ways to his heart.

Dan Schlademan

Senior Advisor

Dan has long been an innovator in the labor movement – taking on tough fights that have changed the lives of tens of thousands of people.   Mostly recently, Dan helped grow United for Respect (formerly OUR Walmart) from its infancy in 2010.  Since Dan began supporting Walmart workers organizing, they have won billions of dollars in raises from the Walton’s (richest family in world), new pregnancy policy, and paid family leave, among many other victories.

Before UFR, Dan led the organizing and membership engagement strategy at SEIU Local 1, the largest property services union in the Midwest with more than 50,000 members. As a Vice President and Organizing Director, Dan helped thousands of once low‐wage property service workers in suburban Chicago win their first union contract after a successful two‐week strike.

As the director of the Houston Justice for Janitors campaign, Dan led one of the most successful large‐scale union organizing drives in the South. Confronting a right‐to‐work environment and establishing rights for immigrant workers, Dan helped workers win union representation, healthcare, and better jobs for more than 5,000 janitors after a successful four‐week strike.

Rebecca Thompson

Senior Campaign Organizer

Rebecca got her start in politics at 14 years old when she served as an intern for a woman elected official in her hometown of Detroit. She has since served as a Vice President at Deliver Strategies, one of the country’s leading progressive direct mail firms, and as the RUN to WIN Director for EMILY’s List, leading the largest candidate recruitment and training program in the organization’s history. She has traveled the world training women, especially Black women, to run for elected office. Rebecca also works with numerous local, statewide, and national progressive organizations focusing on leadership development, electoral politics, and civic engagement. She lives in Baltimore with her dogs Donny Hathaway and Stevie Wonder.

Fun fact: Rebecca has an identical twin sister and we love to switch places

Christine Miranda


Christine is an organizer and digital strategist who helps leaders across the country use online tools to power and grow their grassroots campaigns. Since 2017, she has organized with Movimiento Cosecha, supporting undocumented workers mobilizing their communities at the local and national level. Christine is also an inaugural Just Tech Fellow with the Social Science Research Council, where she leads an independent project studying and developing best practices for immigrant digital organizing.

Some highlights from her work in the last decade include supporting successful campaigns to win driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants in New Jersey and Massachusetts and working alongside Cosecha leaders to raise and redistribute over $1.5 million in mutual aid for excluded immigrant workers during the pandemic.

Christine is also an amateur hiker and enthusiastic fan of ABBA music.

Work With Us

Online to Offline Strategy Group partners with movement organizations—from smaller community-based nonprofits to national unions—to help you incorporate digital tools and strategies to scale up your organizing.