Case Studies - O2O
Dec,10, 01:00 pm
[Level 1] Online to Offline Organizing Training - English


O2O Organizing Case Studies

Putting Childcare First

Parent Voices OaklandWhile families in Alameda County, CA struggle to afford childcare, childcare workers are some of the lowest paid in the region. In 2019, Parent Voices Oakland used O2O strategy to build the people power needed to win a ballot initiative to fund childcare and increase childcare worker pay. Over the course of just 5 months and with just two paid organizers, PVO was able to reach over 300,000 people online, knock 14,000 doors, get tens of thousands of signatures, develop 130 new leaders, host nearly 60 events, and mobilize enough support to pass Measure C in spring 2020—with 64% of the vote. For every three parents PVO was able to engage, two of them came through O2O work. Visit Parent Voices Oakland.

Building Union Power

SEIU Healthcare IllinoisThrough a long battle, the SEIU Healthcare Illinois (HCII) won the right to represent childcare workers to collectively bargain for better working conditions. However, with tens of thousands of childcare providers spread across Illinois, new organizing tactics were needed to reach providers across the state. Working with our team, HCII used O2O strategy to identify and recruit thousands of members to online communities of support and signed up hundreds of new union members they would have otherwise had difficulty reaching. Visit HCII.

Historic Victory for Gig Workers

Gig Workers RisingAcross the country, “gig economy” and app-based workers are barely able to scrape together a living while corporations like Uber and Lyft are making billions off their labor. In California, Working Partnerships USA launched the Gig Workers Rising campaign to support the organizing of Uber and Lyft drivers. Using online to offline organizing, in just three months, GWR leaders were able to get more than 5,000 Uber & Lyft drivers to sign on to their demands, move people to join 25+ direct actions offline and win passage of the landmark AB 5 legislation, reclassifying California app drivers from independent contractors to employees—with broad implication for all workers in the state’s gig economy. Uber and Lyft continue to fight this law, pouring in tens of millions of dollars to undermine AB 5 – but Gig Workers Rising has changed the narrative about what it’s like to drive for these multibillion dollar corporations. Visit Gig Workers Rising.

Work With Us

We partner with movement organizations—from smaller community-based nonprofits to national unions—to help you incorporate digital tools and strategies to scale up your organizing.